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Femicide: WINNER OF THE PETRONA AWARD 2023: 1 (Vanessa Frank, 1)

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I am deeply honoured to receive the Petrona Award 2022. With such an impressive shortlist it is truly humbling to be chosen. I am grateful to the jury for their unswerving commitment to bringing Scandinavian crime literature to an English-speaking readership. My warmest thanks to everyone at Zaffre for their support along this journey and, above all, to Maria Adolfsson for introducing me to Detective Inspector Karen Eiken Hornby. pagrindinė tema - inceliai. Nieko nebuvau apie juos girdėjusi, tad teko pasigooglinti, paieškoti video, nes buvo labai įdomu. Pasirodo, tai vyrai, kurie nesavanoriškai yra celibate ir dėl to kaltina moteris. Šiame celibate esantys asmenys paprastai siekia meilės, tačiau dėl lytinio patrauklumo stokos, socialinių įgūdžių nebuvimo, perdėto jautrumo ar kitų, pačių keisčiausių priežasčių, nesugeba jos pasiekti. Vanesa pradeda suprasti, jog ši byla mebus tokia jau lengva, kaip iš pradžių pasirodė. Taip ji prisikasa iki organizuoto tinklo, kuris niekina moteris bei nori jas nubausti. Kyla vienintelis ir bene pagrindinis klausimas.. Kur tai nuves? Before beginning his authorship, Engman was a journalist at Swedish evening newspaper Expressen, and one of their most high-profile reporters. In the Vanessa Frank series, he explores extreme fringes of society, such as right-wing nationalists, incels and islamists. Themes such as class and identity are recurrent in Engman'sbooks.

Femicide - Tap the line Femicide - Tap the line

Knyga iš esmės apie incelius. Žinoma, šalia tiriama ne viena žmogžudystė. Stokholme randama nužudyta jauna moteris. Įtarimai krinta buvusiam jos partneriui ir vaiko tėvui. Bet viskas išsirutulioja kur kas dramatiškiau ir masiškiau. Seksualiniai nusikaltimai, išdavystės, netektys. Pascal Engman] has an amazing ability to constantly accelerate the pace of the story. He absorbs the reader so you can’t stop reading.’ – Inga-Lill Mosander, Swedish journalist This is a good crime suspense novel. It has a complex plot with many characters whose stories intersect and come together well in the end. Didžiausias knygos trūkumas - labai didelė gausa veikėjų. Nors jie gražiai įsipaišo į knygos kontekstą, bet aš jų visų nesugebėjau atsiminti. Tad kartais tekdavo versti knygą keliais puslapiais atgal. Ir tiems, kas mėgsta paslaptis ir mįsles, intrigos bus mažoka, nes žudikas paaiškėja (yra numanomas) labai greitai.In questa giungla si muove la poliziotta fra donne stuprate, madri uccise, stagiste scomparse e figlie abbandonate. Una sequela di orrori, che il cosidetto “sesso forte” dispensa a quello “debole” dalla notte dei tempi e da cui si salva solo l’ex militare, che a suo modo riabilita il genere maschile, mostrandone il meglio. La detective, Vanessa Frank, indaga sui vari casi senza lasciarsi ingannare dalle apparenze, sino a disvelare un piano molto più oscuro di quello che poteva apparire all’inizio.

Pascal Engman About — Pascal Engman

It's been ten years of the Petrona Award: 2013 - 2023, and to mark the occasion we will be revisiting the first ten winners. The Petrona Award was established to celebrate the work of Maxine Clarke, one of the first online crime fiction reviewers and bloggers, who died in December 2012. Maxine, whose online persona and blog was called Petrona, was passionate about translated crime fiction but in particular that from the Scandinavian countries.Il passato dei due protagonisti li vede coinvolti in un salvataggio di una ragazza e, durante la narrazione, si rincontreranno per poi riunire le loro forze, mostrando come la fiducia e il rispetto fra uomini e donne generi team vincenti. Care Fenici, questo romanzo è sicuramente un caso editoriale interessante; basti pensare che, sin dal titolo, l’autore si propone di trattare uno dei temi più scottanti dei nostri giorni. Il femminicidio è una piaga sociale di ampia portata e di antica radice, origina da diverse cause e in diversi contesti, tanto che non è facile fare un profilo unico, se non tenendo conto del risultato finale: la morte della donna-vittima. Così, quando mi son trovata questo testo fra le mani, ho sentito forte l’impulso di capire come Engman avrebbe reso questo tema spinoso. Maria Adolfsson will receive a trophy, and both the author and translator will receive a cash prize. Desconhecia a existência do tipo de terrorismo descrito neste livro. Onde homens que odeiam mulheres, designados por Incels, descarregam todas as suas frustrações numa vingança cega contra as mulheres.

Femicide (1) (Vanessa Frank) by Pascal Engman | Goodreads

Tijdens haar onderzoek stuit ze op de zogeheten incels, een digitaal netwerk van mannen die vrouwen willen straffen en zich tegen het feminisme keren. Kunnen zij hierbij betrokken zijn, en zo ja: hoe zijn ze te stoppen? Ce se întâmplă atunci când femeile ajung la putere, obțin drepturi egale cu bărbații și se împotrivesc oricărei forme de abuz, considerând partea masculină o amenințare, o problemă ce trebuie îndepărtată? Răspunsul e unul destul de logic - bărbații se vor răzbuna, însă modul Terrorist groups rarely refer to their targets as humans. For example, ISIS is said to refer to Westerners as adulterers, imperialists and pigs – all as a way to make it easier for their supporters to physically harm and kill. It feels incredibly significant to win this award. Several of my major idols and heroes in this genre have been recipients of it. I consider it an honour, a great honour. Writing FEMICIDE was a unique experience. The research on the incel movement was very challenging. I was pulled towards their darkness in many ways. Therefore, I also want to thank Linnea, my fiancée, for putting up with me then, as she does now. una trama interesante y en parte novedosa, van ocurriendo muchos hechos a la vez, y podremos encontrar bastantes personajes a parte de Vanesa y Nicolás que son los protagonistas. Aquí lo siento pero no he terminado de empatizar con ninguno, ni en sus ratos buenos ni en los malos, quizá por la falta de información que comentaba anteriormente, que se hace muy evidenteIn 2020, Engman founded the Pascal Engman Foundation, which works to promote reading amongst children and young people in Sweden. The foundation was officially launched in 2021. [12] Its main activity is to award an annual scholarship (‘Reading Promoter of the Year’) to an individual or an organisation that has made significant contributions in this field. [13] [14] The prize committee awarding the scholarship each year consists of several prominent media personalities, including former SVT CEO Eva Hamilton. [15] Bibliography [ edit ] Emelie is brutally murdered; her abusive boyfriend and baby daddy the prime suspect. But the case isn't as open and shut as Detective Vanessa Frank had hoped. Plunged into the dark world of incels, Frank must get to the bottom of such senseless, brutal crimes before things escalate.

Femicide - Goodreads Dimitris Passas (TapTheLine)’s review of Femicide - Goodreads

DN Debatt. "Ny stiftelse ska främja läsning bland Sveriges unga" ". DN.SE (in Swedish). 23 February 2021 . Retrieved 4 August 2022. The award is open to crime fiction in translation, either written by a Scandinavian author or set in Scandinavia and published in the UK in the previous calendar year. No conocía al autor, pero tampoco a su obra y me ha gustado mucho, aunque no he leído los anteriores libros se pueden leer de manera independiente. bendras vaizdas labai geras. Knygos puslapiai verčiasi greitai, veikėjai išpildyti, veiksmo daug. Patiko #metoo skandalo temos užkabinimas. Žurnalistų darbo užkulisiai. Ir kieta moteris tyrėja - Vanesa Frank. Deși am spus că este un roman foarte bun, i-am dat patru stele, din cauza violenței excesive. Aici, oamenii chiar mor pe bune, iar autorul nu se sfiește să-și scoată personajele din joc în cele mai tensionate momente - așa că să vă așteptați la mult sânge. Un alt motiv pentru care nu i-am dat maximum de stele a fost faptul că acesta este volumul doi al seriei și apar multe detalii din prima parte, detalii pe care le-am integrat destul de greu în poveste sau care au lăsat niște goluri.Expressen tar nöjesreporter från Aftonbladet". www.dagensmedia.se (in Swedish) . Retrieved 4 August 2022.

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