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A Storm of Swords: The bestselling classic epic fantasy series behind the award-winning HBO and Sky TV show and phenomenon GAME OF THRONES: Book 3 (A Song of Ice and Fire)

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HBO’s hit series A GAME OF THRONES is based on George R R Martin’s internationally bestselling series A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age. A STORM OF SWORDS is the third volume in the series.

A Storm Of Swords [Illustrated Edition]: The bestselling A Storm Of Swords [Illustrated Edition]: The bestselling

A "file MD5" is a hash that gets computed from the file contents, and is reasonably unique based on that content. All shadow libraries that we have indexed on here primarily use MD5s to identify files. Finally, Daenerys Targaryen, the daughter of a deposed former king of Westeros and "mother" of the world's only living dragons, travels west to plan to retake her father's throne. ... A Storm of Swords is, in my opinion, an undisputed high point of the series so far. It expanded the story in delightful, wonderful ways. It gave it a truly epic feel. It delivered the cruel punch in the gut with the Red Wedding (excuse me as I go and cry myself to sleep) and reinforced the axiom that nobody is safe in the world GRRM created. (*) * It was heartbreaking, gut-wrenching, and unexpected. But it was necessary, even if just to remind how cruel and brutal this world is, and how little choices can have huge consequences. Definitivamente, esta saga ha llegado a mi vida para convertirse en algo muy bonito que recordaré en el futuro. Sí, sé que los libros que me faltan leer no tienen la misma calidad del volumen que acabo de leer, pero, estoy viviendo una experiencia tan especial con esta saga que independientemente de mis sensaciones en el futuro, leer Canción de hielo y fuego ha sido una gran decisión de la que no me arrepiento nunca. Son libros grandísimos y seguramente nunca tendrán un final, pero la calidad del argumento que nos presenta Martin en los tres primeros volúmenes es impresionante. Recuerdo que me sentí muy satisfecho cuando terminé Juego de tronos y Choque de reyes, pero después de leer este volumen siento como si realmente los dos primeros fueran una introducción para Tormenta de espadas. Puede parecer una falta de respeto, pero después de terminar Tormenta de espadas, es como si esos libros se hubieran vuelto muy pequeñitos en comparación con el gran argumento que preparó Martin para esta obra. ¿Y saben por qué recordaré especialmente esta saga en el futuro? Muy simple, por mí hermano: Mi gran consejero de libros, juegos y películas. Irónicamente yo no quería leer esta saga; parecía tan larga, tan cansina, tan aburrida, pero cuando mi hermano le dio la locura de escuchar el audiolibro permanecí en estado de expectación esperando sus comentarios. «Con tantos libros por conocer, ¿para qué arriesgarme a perder el tiempo con una saga de más de 5000 páginas? Esperemos que lo escuche primero mi hermano, y si le gusta me lo promocionará, eso es seguro» Esos eran mis pensamientos más frecuentes. Ya cuando me dijo que sí era bueno, entonces decidí leerlo aunque con algo de escepticismo en el fondo. Pero a medida que fui avanzando fui entendiendo que tantos halagos y tantos premios no eran casualidad, y que verdaderamente Canción de hielo y fuego era una obra maestra. Desde ese momento, y hasta el día de hoy, he realizado un estilo de lectura conjunta con mi hermano, en el que yo le cuento lo que leí y él, como ya lo leyó, recuerda esos capítulos, su experiencia y sus sensaciones, y así nos pasamos horas charlando sobre el contenido, sin spoilers y sin explicaciones de más de la cuenta. Leer es especial, pero compartir con alguien que quieres mucho —como un familiar o un amigo íntimo— esos sentimientos que vives en el momento, es algo muy diferente, es bastante especial, y creo que también esa es la razón por la que este libro va rumbo a mis favoritos y directo a mi corazón. Condition: new. Illustrated, Anniversary. Book is in NEW condition. Satisfaction Guaranteed! Fast Customer Service!!.Of the five contenders for power, one is dead, another in disfavor, and still the wars rage as violently as ever, as alliances are made and broken. Joffrey, of House Lannister, sits on the Iron Throne, the uneasy ruler of the land of the Seven Kingdoms. His most bitter rival, Lord Stannis, stands defeated and disgraced, the victim of the jealous sorceress who holds him in her evil thrall. But young Robb, of House Stark, still rules the North from the fortress of Riverrun. Robb plots against his despised Lannister enemies, even as they hold his sister hostage at King’s Landing, the seat of the Iron Throne. Meanwhile, making her way across a blood-drenched continent is the exiled queen, Daenerys, mistress of the only three dragons still left in the world. . . . Martin's present home is Santa Fe, New Mexico. He is a member of Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America (he was South-Central Regional Director 1977-1979, and Vice President 1996-1998), and of Writers' Guild of America, West. a dance with dragons a game of thrones anthologies artwork a song of ice and fire awards bantam spectra calendar charity comic books conventions dance with dragons dark sword editing everyday life fandom films game of thrones hbo hugo awards interviews jean cocteau jean cocteau cinema jean cocteau cinema bookstore life and death meow wolf miniatures movies movie theatre nfl politics santa fe science fiction signed books signings song of ice and fire subterranean television television and film tor travel travels wild cards worldcon writing This was unbelievably amazing. A Storm of Swords could actually be the height of George R. R. Martin’s writing career. I know I haven’t read A Feast for Crows, A Dance with Dragons, or the extra books of the series yet. But realistically speaking, it would be bloody difficult for Martin to top what he has achieved in this book.

A Storm of Swords: A Song of Ice and Fire (3): Book 3 A Storm of Swords: A Song of Ice and Fire (3): Book 3

A gorgeous illustrated edition of the third book in the beloved A Song of Ice and Fire series, for fans of HBO's Game of Thrones, published in celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the book.

The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain

Samwell Tarly: When I got to his first chapter and realized that he was going to be a narrator in this book, I literally groaned aloud. i started reading this while i was re-watching the first season of the wire, which is an exercise i strongly recommend. there are so many parallels, in the way that characters operate within the parameters of "the game," and their individual codes of honor and behavior, and in the rises and falls of characters that are predicated upon such seemingly inconsequential events. the long drawn-out cause-and-effect situations, they are masterful and span seasons/books, which is such a delight to a fan. The violence. One of the criticisms of the 2004 Antoine Fuqua film King Arthur starring Clive Owen was the minimization of violence. Whereas earlier adaptions of the Arthur legend were intentionally theatrical and atmospheric rather than realistic, Fuqua seemed to be on to a cool angle by introducing a historically accurate revisionist story of Arthur as a Roman leader fighting Picts and Scots. There’s swords and daggers and arrows and lots of fighting, but not so much blood and guts. The incongruity of the muddy realism with the stylized violence was distracting.

A Storm of Swords: A Song of Ice and Fire: Book Three: 3 A Storm of Swords: A Song of Ice and Fire: Book Three: 3

wow, i used to love you so much. until i realized you were getting sorta inappropriate with Danerys. yeah, she's brave and beautiful and a queen and she frees entire cities worth of slaves and she has three lovely dragons. but didn't you notice that she's about a third your age? and on top of that, you're a jealous liar. get outta here, Creepy McCreeperson! Also, I think the blow of the red wedding has somewhat softened over the years. Initially, it is upsetting and horribly unjust, but then you read the build-up of it again and see it in a different light. It is clear that it was completely King Rob’s fault. He caused it; he should have known better than to renegade on such an important deal. It was pure folly. He left himself completely vulnerable. But, he isn’t to blame completely; he was very young after all. Maybe one day the Starks will be avenged completely. Well, I think it’s obvious that there is only on person with the capabilities to do it. Un aspecto del cual finalicé muy satisfecho fue el desarrollo que tiene la magia en esta historia. Naturalmente aún faltan bastantes secretos por revelarse, pero en este volumen la magia pasa de ser una leyenda a ser realidad, y eso me ha gustado mucho. Es un tema que me ha dejado con mucha intriga, preguntas en mi cabeza, y del cual anhelo leer próximamente en los próximos volúmenes de esta saga. Jon’s story is where the bulk of the action happens. And by action, I mean fighting and sex. Without giving away too much, I think it’s appropriate to say that Jon is at the center of a battle on the scale of Return of the Kings’ Pelennor Fields. This battle really tilts A Song of Ice and Fire away from the realistic-fantasy from A Game of Thrones and into the fantasy-fantasy of The Lord of the Rings. There are mammoths and giants and spying eagles, but I didn't care, because there were also catapults and trebuchets and murder holes and burning oil. In other words, cool stuff.

The first volume of the bewitching ‘Chrestomanci’ series by Diana Wynne Jones. Charmed Life arrives in an explosion of magic in this edition illustrated by Alison Bryant and introduced by Katherine Rundell. This is a great novel. Not great fantasy; great literature. Martin’s prose is not elegant. Rather, it is detailed. He writes descriptively but clearly. His style is to create visual images with words. Accordingly, he goes to great lengths telling you about architecture, physical features, clothing, colors, and smells. Even minor castles or minor characters are imbued with depth. It can sometimes be overwhelming, trying to keep all this detail straight. Mostly, though, the result is a novel that is immersive and tactile. You feel surrounded by Martin’s world. You feel like you can gauge the reactions of Martin’s characters. There may be dragons and sorceresses and the walking dead, but it feels real. Fantasy literature has never shied away from grandeur, but the sheer-mind-boggling scope of this epic has sent other fantasy writers away shaking their heads… Its ambition: to construct the Twelve Caesars of fantasy fiction, with characters so venomous they could eat the Borgias.’Guardian - A Storm of Swords: The Illustrated Edition: A Song of Ice and Fire: Book Three (A Song of Ice and Fire Illustrated Edition) Among the Stark children, Sansa is essentially a Disney princess caught in a grimdark world. Originally hoping for a happily-ever-after with the pouty-lipped Joffrey, Sansa’s delicate innocence only brings her suffering. In A Storm of Swords, Sansa finally escapes the clutches of the Lannisters but is left to deal with the creepy Littlefinger, who harbors a lifelong infatuation with her mother, Catelyn. It’s hard to tell which situation is worse for the unfortunate Sansa.

A Storm Of Swords [Illustrated Edition] - HarperCollins Australia

Es un libro que me ha atrapado completamente, no solo por el contenido sino por la prosa tan agradable para leer. Martin supo aprovechar perfectamente la ventaja de que existieran los dos libros anteriores. La aprovechó porque aquí no necesitó presentar personajes, ni describir lugares, ni preparar el contexto: ¡Nada! En Tormenta de espadas, sentí una historia completamente impulsada por si misma que avanzaba a la velocidad que el autor quería proponer. Por ejemplo, cada vez que inicié un capítulo, por la prosa serena de los primeros párrafos, creía que me estaba encontrando ante un capítulo de transición, pero una vez seguía leyendo, sorpresa tras sorpresa me dejaba boquiabierto y en ciertas ocasiones quedaba súper emocionado por los giros inesperados que nos tiene bien guardados Martin. Todo el tiempo el autor jugó con mis sentimientos, con mi mente, y no logré adivinar pero en absoluto el contenido que iba a aparecer más adelante. Fueron como seis capítulos con nivel Dios, otros diez aproximadamente con nivel épico, y en general muchísimos capítulos entretenidos, sorprendentes, atrapantes y muy, pero muy adictivos. No sé si Martin planeo así su obra —yo creería que sí— pero usar Juego de tronos y Choque de reyes como aperitivo de este volumen ha sido una gran elección de su parte. Y lo mejor es que para la estructura de este libro, toma de Juego de tronos la prosa ligera, la extensión de los capítulos y los momentos bastante inesperados, pero de Choque de reyes toma la intensidad, el caos, los viajeros errantes, las batallas sangrientas, la desesperación, la muerte, etc. Si se ve de otra manera, es como si Tormenta de espadas fuera una fusión de sus dos predecesores. The ever-expanding plot of A Song of Ice and Fire is impossible to summarize neatly. In Storm, as in the other books of this series, the story is told from the alternating viewpoints of various characters. The selected viewpoints are: Jaime Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Jon Snow, Catelyn Stark, Arya Stark, Sansa Stark, Bran Stark, Samwell Tarly, Davos Seaworth, and Daenerys Targaryen. When I first read A Game of Thrones I hated Jaime Lannister. Now, I think he’s awesome. If someone would have told me then, that by book three I would consider him one of my favourite characters, I’d have likely pushed them out of the moon door. It’s quite surprising that George R.R Martin actually changed him around like this. Well, I say change around. What I actually mean is showed the reader what he actually is. Never before, with any novel, have I had my feelings of pure hatred completely collapse in on them self and turn into pity and admiration.


The Planets is a thrilling tour of our solar system by Andrew Cohen and Professor Brian Cox, in a Folio edition with breathtaking NASA photography from the latest space missions. Let me use Jaime and Tyrion as my examples here: Jaime became one of my favorites: understanding where he's coming from and seeing him humbled by his experience changed him from a monster to a deeply flawed but ultimately sympathetic man. (What he did to Bran was terrible - but child's play in comparison of all the other mindf***ery GRRM gives us in this book. What he does with his sister - gross, but they are competent and consenting adults, and it's not my place to judge them). but those were just minor flaws in what is otherwise a great book. george martin is good at a number of different things. for epic fantasy, which is usually defined by action sequences and the large-scale, his books are so skillful at the quiet moments. don't get me wrong, there are plenty of HUGE scenes in this book, but there are also so many small conversations that are seemingly inconsequential to the overall storyline, but they go so far towards character development, which is something lost in a lot of genre-fiction. these characters are vivid, and their decisions (mostly - see gripe number 2) make sense in terms of their positions and ambitions and survival instincts.and they will affect you. Peter Benchley’s Jaws is the ultimate pulp thriller, and this is the ultimate illustrated edition. Folio commissioned Hokyoung Kim for the artwork, while the late author’s wife, Wendy Benchley, provides a fascinating new introduction.

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